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Tag: Flood Insurance

Flooding: What Damage Can It Do to My House?

Flooding: What Damage Can It Do to My House?

“Welcome to the neighborhood!” one of our neighbors called while we were standing in the front yard of our new home. On any other day, it would sound like a normal greeting. But on that particular day in June 2014, my husband and I wryly laughed at their joke. Our neighborhood had just flooded ‒ literally days after we received our keys. We waded through...

Should I Purchase Flood Insurance If I’m Not in a Flood Zone?

Should I Purchase Flood Insurance If I’m Not in a Flood Zone?

Flood insurance covers direct physical loss to your home structure and belongings caused by flooding. If the area where you live is not in a flood zone, you may think you are safe from flooding. The fact is that flooding is the most common natural disaster in the country. Many flood-related insurance claims come from areas with a low to moderate flood risk. What Does...